Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Full Moon Fever

Last night was my first “full moon” in my new home. Daddy said something about me turning into a “werekitten”. I don’t know what that is, but I hope it’s not bad. I think the full moon made me have more energy than normal. I was very excited about every little thing. My Daddy said I needed a “time-out” and he put me in my new Kitty Carrier. Daddy got my carrier for my first doctor appointment this Friday. He said it would come in handy when the moon is full. Here is a picture of me in time-out. I don’t think I like the full moon very much.


  1. Amos, you look like a big wild tiger, with eyes as big and round as that full moon!

  2. You might not have been scared, but you sure look ultra-alert! :-)
